With the current situation in which the entire world is fighting against corona virus, it is very important that we keep ourselves healthy and keep…

How to naturally reduce Stretch Marks with Essential Oils
Essential oils are natural treatments effective for preventing and reducing the appearance of Stretch marks Stretch marks is a common complaint specially amongst pregnant women […]

DIY Exotic Body Spray Recipe with Essential Oils
As a kid, I used to love Perfumes and their pretty looking bottles. I would save empty bottles and keep smelling their beautiful aroma and […]

DIY Disinfectant Spray
These days the demand for disinfectants and sanitizers have increased many folds and you may notice these products are hardly available on store shelves. Learn […]

Immunity Booster Essential Oils
With the current situation in which the entire world is fighting against corona virus, it is very important that we keep ourselves healthy and keep […]

Homemade Lotion Bar Recipe : Quick and Easy
Recently I came across someone selling lotion bars, they smelled divine and looked delicious! At first I thought they are some mouth-watering sweet treats! I […]

Relieve stress levels with these Soothing Diffuser Blends
Have you ever noticed how the sweet smell of Rose fills your room with so much delight, or how lavender lightens your mood instantly? Using […]

DIY Stimulating Hair Growth Oil
Overview: Essential oils simply put, is the “essence” of a plant, obtained through mechanical pressing or steam or water distillation. Different parts of the plant […]

What are Essential Oils, do they really work?
Essential oils are concentrated extracts of plants. Practitioners often use them in natural or alternative health practises like Aromatherapy and Naturopathy. Essential oils offer an […]

How Essential Oils are Extracted?
Essential oils are extracted from certain varieties of tress, herbs, grasses roots, fruit and flowers. The oil is concentrated in different parts of the plant. […]